To be a Christian is to be a warrior.

The good soldier of Jesus Christ must not expect to find ease in this world: it is a battle-field.

Neither must he reckon upon the friendship of the world; for that would be enmity against God.

His occupation is war.

Nov 15, 2011

Why Valiant Christianity?

Is not our KING valiant?

Has He given us charge to advance His Kingdom?

How then shall it be done?

In the comforts of our own homes?
In the pleasures of this life and at our own leisure?
In the pursuit of our own agenda?

How does a Kingdom advance?
Is there not opposition that must be subdued?
Is there not a battle that must be won?
Is there not ground that must be taken for the King and His cause?
Is there not a worthy cause for battle?

Has He provided armor? For what purpose if not for battle?
Has He provided a sword? If so—shall it remain sheathed and inactive?
Why provide the armor and weapon if no battle rages?

If so be that the battle rages all around us with the enemy pressing in on every side…what shall be done?

Have we been given a charge to subdue kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtain promises, overcome opposition, temptation, adversity and the world itself?

Are we to contend for the faith?
Are we to pull souls from the flames of hell?
Are we to set captives free, heal the sick, cast out devils and bind up the broken hearted?

The need is great!  The call has gone forth into the ranks of the redeemed!

You see!  There is a great need in the world for VALIANT CHRISTIANITY!